
Material Wealth? New Approaches to the Archaeology of Social Inequality and Complexity

Queens University Belfast Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Over the last decade, social inequality has emerged as a major research area in the historical sciences. New methods for assessing wealth and living standards from the archaeological record have been developed, from the use of Gini coefficients on artefactual and architectural data to bioarchaeological approaches to health and wellbeing. These have been marshalled to ... Read more

Systematic synthesis for prehistoric data and literature

ICArEHB Campus of Gambelas, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal

During this 4-days training, we will learn to conduct systematic syntheses, based on data (qualitative or quantitative) or literature. We will see that the systematic approach provides also new type of results, which will give you an outstanding set of skills in the field of prehistoric archaeology.


International Heritage Conference: National framework and strategy to Prevent illicit Trafficking of Artifact in Pakistan

UNESCO celebrated the 50 years of the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property in 2020. Pakistan has adopted the same convention but the National framework and interprovincial link for the prevention of theft and looting and the return and restitution of ... Read more


CfAS Reception

Informal get together at Tujague's Restaurant, 429 Decatur St., New Orleans