Call for applications: ESIIL Innovation Summit

The Environmental Data Science Innovation & Inclusion Lab (ESIIL) is an NSF-funded data synthesis center based at the University of Colorado Boulder. The organization supports a global community of environmental data scientists to leverage environmental data and emerging analytics to develop science-based solutions to pressing challenges in the environmental sciences. ESIIL holds inclusion as a core principle and method for diversifying environmental data science at a time when society needs all perspectives, and science needs to serve all. Its activities are all designed to advance the frontier of environmental data science, a rapidly evolving discipline bridging the computational, biological, environmental, and social sciences. 

In May 2024, ESIIL will host an Innovation Summit around the theme of environmental resilience and adaptation. The Summit will offer an opportunity to use big data to understand resilience across genes, species, ecosystems and societies, advance ecological forecasting with solutions in mind, and inform adaptive management and natural climate solutions. It will be an in-person ‘unconference’, enabling participants to dynamically work on themes that most inspire them, with inclusive physical and intellectual spaces for working together. Participants will be encouraged to work across and respect different perspectives, with the aim of co-developing resilience solutions. ESIIL will also provide opportunities for participants to learn more about cultural intelligence, ethical and open science practices, and leadership in the rapidly evolving field of environmental data science.

ESIIL welcomes participation from social scientists, including archaeologists! So, if you are interested in participating, check out the event website for more information and how to apply. But hurry, applications are due January 26, 2024!

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